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WISH is a concept from Bergo Flooring that encompasses our commitment to sustainable and functional floors for better health and integration worldwide. Our goal is to create a better world by promoting sustainable and healthy living. Our WISH concept embodies these values and principles.


We believe that every school and city deserve attractive surfaces.

Inspiring surfaces where sporting unites people from different backgrounds and gender. Places where people integrate with society through sustainable solutions. Solutions that help people become healthier and happier. Today and for future generations!




An image of reality

Uninspiring dull surfaces does not encourage people, to exercise...

...especially not children and youngsters. In the digital era with smartphones and tablets, we need to make it fun and alluring to practice sport activities.



54% of all municipalities in Sweden have not got a plan how to develop activity surfaces (according to The Swedish National Sports Confederation).
The process goes too slowly, and the problems become bigger every year.

The solution

Accessible and inspiring space for all, that encourages to sport and play.

• Attract children and young people to be more physically active and reduce screen focus.
• Letting children get in contact with other children.
• No need for booked training times.

The effect

• HEALTH: Better health and better school results.
• INTEGRATION: Contact with other cultures contributes to better integration.
• SOCIALIZATION: Interaction between girl and boy, young and old, different socio-economic backgrounds etc.
• HAPPINESS: Happier children, parents, school and community.





A major challenge in society are the growing health problems
among children and youngsters. Read more here...


Sporting and activities unite and connect people regardless of background or gender. Read more here...


We care about the future of our children,
that is why SUSTAINABILITY is one of our core values. Read more here...


Physical inactivity is now identified as
the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality.
Let's make a difference together! Read more here...


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